Sunday, May 21, 2006

770 Talk - Sunday - 23 Iyar

It was a very lively Farbrengen in 770 yesterday where people in 770, as well as most other shuls and Mikva's in C.H. discussed the unfolding Scandal of corruption, mentioned in the Court Papers against Rubashkin and Company.

Everyone was saying that Rubashkin, Brook, Boimelgreen and the rest of the group are absolutely petrified of having no choice now, but to show the books, as a result of the court papers filed. Some people questioned why it had to come to this and why Rubashkin and company are so scared to show the books, "What are they hiding?" they asked.

Most people in 770 and other Shuls, could not stop thanking Chanina Sperlin and Leibish Nash for having filed the papers in court since "Talking Nicely" to Rubashkin and even repeated calls for a Din Torah were denied by Rubashkin and all his supporters.

All prior calls for making "Shalom" were denied by Rubashkin and all his supporters and even when they were "approved" they defaulted on all their written contract "peace agreements" which they pledged. Obviously they were "Asking for It", to go to Court and "they got what they asked for".

Being aware that they stand no chance of any possible legitimate defense, in court, they are desperately trying to strike a "peace" agreement, as long as it will be taken out of court immediately. But so far they are not really ready to let go of all of their corruption yet and no one is going to fall for a deal where they will likely come back a few minutes later, saying that, "I decided" that "I changed my mind", as they did on the Election Day Contract, Peace Deal, to cancel the elections.

The fact that the Rubaskin's team did not honor their written contract agreement for "peace", on Election Day, they have effectively lost all credibility for "peace" and now, only the courts will have to force justice, without any bias.

Some people in 770, defended, not showing the books, saying that "everyone has things to hide" and Rubashkin isn't any more guilty, than any one else because "they all do the same thing".


At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the Farbrengen in 770, it was also mentioned that when the Gaboim first went to Court with Yudel, after Rubashkin was elected, he came to Yudel to offer him one of his classic "peace deals".

Yudel told Rubashkin, back then, that he isn't interested in any "peace" because he is winning in court, so what does he need it for?

This week, however, when the Judge told Yudel that he isn't getting the 770 Shull after all, Yudel realized that he is loosing and he immediately scrambled to ask Rubashkin that perhaps he can broker one of his "peace deals".

Rubashkin told Yudel that it's to late now, because now Rubashkin's name is Mud and no one will listen to him any more.

Then, Yudel ran after Gerlitzky, begging him to make a "deal" with the Gabaiim, but Gerlitzky, who funds his Melave Malka's in 770, from Rubashkin's money, told Yudel than he too can't help because non of the other Gaboim listen to him any more, since the Rubashkin scandal broke out.

Chassidim Farbrenging in 770 concluded that we see clearly that Hashem has his ways, of making everything happen, just at the right time!

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it was a GREAT GREAT idea to take Rubashkin to Court.

The only thing I'm worried about, is that Sperlin & Nash would cave in to the pressure... and trust Rubashkin's promises, and remove it from Court.

EVERYONE, should give Chanina Sperlin and Leibish Nash CHIZUK, to go on...

Rubashkin,Lang and Plotkin, must ALL resign. And resign NOW.....
-before it is taken out of Court.

Also, they must declare the Rabonnim Elections NULL & VOID...

Also, they must show the books to an independent auditor. And return any "missing" funds...

ONLY then,could we talk about removing it from Court...

Forget about a Din Torah,the best solution (and the ONLY solution), is the above mentioned.

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before the "elections" for Rabbonim, all Naive C.H.'ers thought that the "elections" would bring "peace" while predicted that "World War III" was going to break out the Day After the fake elections.

Now, that everyone realizes that was right and that "fake elections" can't bring peace.... Now the question is how do we end this "World War III"?


The same way we ended "World War II"

The Japanese, "Didn't GET IT" that it was time to end the war, not until AFTER we dropped the A Bomb on their heads in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, TWICE! They didn't "get it" the first time but "they figured it out" after being hit twice.

Right after that, they came running for "peace" and they said that NOW, "they got the HINT" and "we don't need to drop any MORE A Bombs on them" because they are "very smart" and "Dai Lechakima B'Rmiza", for them to Get the "hint" now.

We are all waiting for Rubashkin to announce publicly that "He Finlay got the Hint" that it's time for him to hand over his Unconditional Surrender and Resignation.

Let us all pray, that that unlike the Japanese, he will get the hint before it's too late.

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is the court date?

At May 21, 2006, Blogger DaasHakohol said...

Court Date:

This Monday, May 22, 2006 at 9:30am

Supreme Court Building,

Brooklyn, N.Y.

360 Adams St.

Part 31, Room 761

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are underestimating Moshe Rubashkin!

He is such a deviant crook, and will always win against Chanina. Chanina falls for his lies over and over again. Each time he gets burned by Moshe , he lifts up the phone and screams his head off at him. Moshe lets him blow off some steam and then calmly pacifies him like a baby and pretends to throw him some type of phony concession.

After that Chanina runs full of joy and lets everyone know that he really gave it to Moshe and that Moshe caved in to his demands. This trick has been working over and over again and Chanina falls for it.

Rubashkin will find a way to weasel out of this with Chanina by pretending to agree to a Din Tora which would never be binding and never guarantee that he wont go back on his word or on a psak if he loses. Meanwhile Moshe gains ground by moving along and creating more facts on the ground while simultaneously moving in the same direction hes been going all the time. He will continue with the 3 fraudulent Rabonim, fraudulent netzigim and other frauds and create irreversible damage.

There is no doubt that no Beis Din will be able to stop him and by Chanina striking a compromise at this time when Moshe is desperate, he will be able to carry on his dirty tricks. Therefore, there is no alternative to the court case. It must be taken to the very end. If hes not totally removed the damage he will inflict will be irreparable.

Chanina if you back out, you are endangering the Community. Stop negotiating with thugs!!!!!!!

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farbrenger in 770 Where did you get this information rwgarding the 770 court case?

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just heard that Rubashkin has "fled the country," presumably to Israel. I have the following questions and suggestions if this is true:

1. Does someone on parole or probation (I'm not sure of Moshe's correct status) have access to his passport?

2. Does someone on parole or probation have to report to his parole officer in the event that he intends to leave the country or that he has been served with "court papers"??

3. How in the world, did his family let him get involved in Community affairs and NOT SLAP HIM AROUND and force him to resign as they saw these events of the past few months unfold? I don't care if it would have been his father, mother, brother, brother in law or any of his wife's family.

4. I would like to give this same advise (#3) to Tzvi Lang's mishpacha, v'dal.

My dear fellow residents of Crown Heights!!! And I'm specifically speaking to everyone who wants to "judge his fellow man meritoriously."

Is it NOT ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that Moshe R is and has been less than "transparent" with us? Are we to be taken as FOOLS????

Now to take this one step further:

1. Let the entire Vaad Hakohol conduct business as the by laws require. No more BS of excluding Nash and Sperlin from meetings. Moshe Rubashkin must be removed by the Beis Din.

2. Let the entire Vaad Hakohol declare that the "kangaroo elections" that was conducted over a 5 day period be declared Null and Void. At least 2 of the falsely "elected" Rabbonim had the good sense of staying away from the so-called "hachtara." Was that event NOT a busha for the whole community??? Let a neutral third party body establish and administer fair rules of a real election for additional Rabbonim.

3. If kashrus will be a community enterprise, then ALL Rabbonim of the Beis Din should participate. Otherwise, let the CHK be taken off and let it remain a "personal or private" hashgocha.

4. The netzigim body should be strengthened and IMMEDIATELY establish an audit committee of qualifed individuals to oversee the annual audit of the CHJCC and to insure that any audit recommendations be properly implemented. The Vaad's books (and kashrus too, if it remains a community enterprise) should likewise be audited on an annual basis.

5. We need to see the details of the "Fisher" agreement and determine if it should be invalidated because of improprieties.

Enough for now. Please, my fellow residents of Crown Heights. On the next election, please be more discerning of candidates' track records and qualifications. Don't vote for someone just because of his smile, handshake and sweet talk. Let a baal chesed remain a baal chesed. Let him NOT be involved in administration or oversight as a Vaad member. His money, going to the right causes, is more valuable to the community than his askanus or lumdus.

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did moshe rubashkin not RUN away?

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farbrengener in 770,

I have no idea where you get your information from, Aguch & Merkaz are winning the court case head on.

And to the editor of daas hakahal, I have no idea which 770 you hung out in, or which mikva, but the 770 I hung out in on shabbos, did not have anyone saying what you bring here.

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Farbrenger in 770 Where did you get this information rwgarding the 770 court case?

At the Farbrenegn in 770

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason you didn't hear all the things everyone else heard in 770 is because you Farbrenged on the "Yotze Dofen Table" on the Bima, with the Katzman crowd.

Most chassidim who heard everything we mentioned, farbrengd at all the main tables in front of the Rebbe's table

Anonymous said...
Farbrengener in 770,

I have no idea where you get your information from....

I have no idea which 770 you hung out in, or which mikva, but the 770 I hung out in on shabbos, did not have anyone saying what you bring here.

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it's true!

Rubashkin has fled the country, presumably to avoid having to face the judge on the charges against him.

A Resident of Crown Heights said...
I just heard that Rubashkin has "fled the country," presumably to Israel. I have the following questions and suggestions if this is true:

At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Chanina tries to be a whimp, or anything like this now, his political career will be over in C.H. because we will all make sure to it.

Anonymous said...
Chanina falls for his lies over and over again. Each time he gets burned by Moshe , he lifts up the phone and screams his head off at him. Moshe lets him blow off some steam and then calmly pacifies him like a baby and pretends to throw him some type of phony concession.

At May 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw Rubashkin friday night at the kosel, he is on his way with a family trip to Russia.

At May 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moshe is hopefully out of C.H. for good!

Don't forget the "der velt is nit kein jungle" "yesh bal habayis lebirah zoo". and also the Rebbe said "ich bin bal habos fun lubavitch"... vd"l the Rebbe will prevail and get rid of all those who fight the Rebbe, like Rubashkin.

At May 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may be right that he is at the Kosel but the point is, he isn't coming back to fast, not until he feels safe tat he isn't going back to Fort Dix, where he came from.

trying to make Moshe Look Good said...
I just saw Rubashkin friday night at the kosel, he is on his way with a family trip to Russia.

At May 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I always thought that the Farbrengen under the Rebbe's table was just that -- a farabrengen. A gathering of all the "pious" mashpi'im of our community.
You are shaming R' Mottel Chein, R' Itche Shpringer, etc.


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