Chabad.Info Published Article - The Truth regarding False Allegations against the Vaad Hakohol - Severely Criticizes Segal

Translated from Hebrew - Updated Wed. 8:30pm
Earlier this week, Segal, interviewd by the Anti Meshichist, Machlokes, Loshon Hora web site, known as Col (which always battles and belittles the Badataz and all Meshichisten,) Segal chose to Attack a honorary member of the Vaad Hakohol, Reb Leibish Nash, referring to him as a “RODEF” which essentially means that Segal was implying and insinuating, legitimizing, Attempted Murder, against Nash, Chas V’Sholom, as Segal specifically hinted this in his interview.
Crown Heights residents were shocked and outraged, how any person who is attempting to become a Chaver Habadatz, can dare to stoop so low, for such an interview, while using such expressions unfit for any self respecting person, never mind someone interested, to eventually be a Rov by Yidden, anytime in the future.
The Real Story:
We are not speaking about any one individual but rather a very large group of Anash, residents of the neighborhood, who all stand united, in the court case, whose intent it is, to preserve the C.H. neighborhood and its funds from the dictatorship of one individual who single handedly uses the funds as he wishes without any supervision or accountability. We are dealing with a Fisher type of Dictatorship where he too used the community funds for his private interests, until a group of Anash (including Brook) succeeded in removing Fisher, then the “Rosh Hakohol”, from his dictatorship.
The court complaint, by a large group of Anash, was originally filed by two Vaad Hakohol members, Leibish Nash and Chanina Sperlin, However, since Boimelgreen threatened Sperlin that he will invest 1 Million Dollars for private investigators, in order to try and dig up some possible dirt against Sperlin and to try and use whatever he may find, as a Baseless Mesira (As the Misnagdim did against Chassidim) and then, Rubashkin too, joined in, to threaten Sperlin’s Entire Family – Sperlin then reluctantly had to remove his name from the legitimate complaint against Rubashkin, out of fear that the two of them (Rubashkin, Boimelgreen) who have no integrity will actually do the unthinkable.
It’s noteworthy that the plaintiffs had first called Rubashkin to a Din Torah, by a Beis Din comprised of the Mara Deasra Harav Aaron Yaakov Schwei and with him the Rabbonim the Geonim, who were always sitting at Din Torah’s in the Badatz, for many years, Rabbi Nissan Mangel and Rabbi Shumel Pesach Bogomilsky – who all together had called Rubashkin to “a Din Torah by Zabla”, but Rubashkin refused any Din Torah by Zabla.
Not only did Rubashkin not agree to come to a Din Torah of Zabla, but in order for Rubashkin to establish a Monopoly in the Badatz, Rubashkin attempted Elections which he conducted against the will of the majority of the C.H. Community, using undemocratic methods, including forging the Election Results.
All this, was done, in order that Rubashkin, should be able to install, his personal candidate, Segal, with 2 more of Rubashkin’s followers, into the Badatz. Rubashkin was hoping, to then have a fake “majority”, to appose Rabbi Schwei, so that Rubashkin will be able to evade accountability and real Justice in any Real Din Torah.
However by Rubashkin doing all this, he created an unprecedented, huge split and Machlokes in the community, including a split in the Vaad Hakohol, Netzigim and the Shulls they represent.
Rubashkin and his people, could care less about all of the incredible Destruction and Machlokes they have caused. To them, their Corrupt Machlokes is a Means to an End, for them to be able to achieve their ultimate corrupt goals.
In order to enforce a Din Torah or when a defendant refuses to appear to a Din Torah, the Rabbonim may permit the Plaintiff to proceed with his complaint in court. Since it involves huge sums of community funds and corrupt management of communal affairs the above Rabbonim permitted the plaintiffs to file the case against Rubashkin, in court, to rescue the funds and the community from Rubashkin’s corrupt dictatorship.
The complaint voiced by Rubashkin’s supporters that it is forbidden to go to court because this can cause Rubashkin to go to Prison, is ridiculous:
First of all, anyone who voices such a compliant is himself admitting that in truth, according to Rubashkin’s Friends, knowledge, Rubashkin does indeed embezzle funds to such an extent that he is likely to get locked up for it by the authorities. If so, it’s incredible, how Segal who holds the above opinion of Rubashkin, can dare to continue to support him in spite of Segals implied admission that Rubashkin is guilty of gross embezzlement of community funds and corrupt dictatorship, control of the entire community.
Besides, if Rubashkin doesn’t want to go to Jail, he has an extremely simple solution: To go to a Din Torah by Zabla!
None of the Plaintiffs are interested in bringing Rubashkin to justice in court per say. The plaintiffs only intent is stop all the financial and communal, wrongdoing by Rubashkin period. It’s only because Rubashkin refuses a Din Torah by Zabla, which left the plaintiffs with no other choice but to proceed in court. But clearly, the second Rubashkin, actually, fully complies with a Din Torah of Zabla, the case against him could and would be dropped instantly.
The cliché used by the Rubashkin clique, that any attempt to stop Rubashkins Dictatorship; “Endangers Peace in C.H. and Destroys the Unity in C.H.” is ridiculous, primarily when it is heard from Segal, whose entire posture in the community holds the key to all of the divisiveness and Machlokes which dominates C.H. in recent months.
If Peace and Unity is so important to Segal, he should have the decency and respect to answer to the Call by Zikney Anash (Elder Chassidim). Segal should proclaim that since the Elections held by Rubashkin, we improper, without any sense of Justice and against the will of the majority of C.H., who boycotted the Elections, in protest –
(This Segal knows, all to well. In fact he himself participated in helping to structure the language of the Joint agreement to postpone the Elections and to be conducted by a neutral party and not by Rubashkin) –
Segal, out of all people, should be the first to say, that he doesn’t recognize these corrupt “elections” and therefore he is not undertaking any resulting communal position.
In general it’s absurd that a person like Segal who receives a salary of $30,000 per year, from non other than from Rubashkin himself, supposedly as a “Chaver Habadatz”, and he knows full well, that Rubashkin is withholding Rabbi Schwei’s Salary, only because, Rabbi Schwei doesn’t approve of Segal’s, improper involvement in the Badatz, it’s incredibly absurd that such a person like Segal should even mix in at all on behalf of and for the benefit of Rubashkin.
It’s even more absurd, that Segal, who himself refuses to appear to a Din Torah of Zabla, should even dare to preach to others about any concept of Torah Justice!
To get a full picture, we bring you the following Links for additional background information:
1) Confirmation from the Rabbonim permitting Rubashkin to be taken to Court
2) Letter from the Rabbonim – Siruv against Segal – for his refusal to a Din Torah by a Beis Din of Zabla
3) Letter from Zikney Hachassidim to Segal
4) Letter from the attorney Eliyahu Polterak, in English, where he testifies in great detail about all the facts surrounding the “elections”, who broke the agreement after it was signed by both Rabbonim and what did Segal do for Peace in CH
5) Letter from the attorney Eliyahu Polterak, Translated to Hebrew
After you see the entire picture, each and every one may ask himself:
Whom is Segal concerned about? For Himself? For CH? Or For Rubashkin?
Yehi Rotzon, that we should merit the fulfillment of what the Rebbe said that CH will not be dictated by Money but by Tzedek V’Yosher, V’Hames V’Hasholom Ahevu
Additional Details at
בראשית השבוע התראיין ר' שלמה סגל, לאתר ההשמצה והמחלוקת הידוע, כשהוא תוקף
תושבי השכונה מאוד נבוכים מהעובדה שאדם שמתיימר להיות חבר הבד"צ – מוצא לנכון לרדת לכזו דיוטא תחתונה ולהתראיין לאתר שכזה, תוך שימוש במילים בוטות שאינן מתאימות לאדם המכבד את עצמו, ובוודאי שלא לאדם המעוניין להיות ביום מן הימים רב בישראל.
לא מדובר באדם אחד, אלא בקבוצה גדולה של אנ"ש תושבי השכונה שעומדים מאחרי הפנייה לבית המשפט, שמטרתה היא להציל את השכונה וכספי הציבור מהשתלטות של אדם יחיד, שעושה בכספי הקהל כרצונו, בלי שקיפות מינימלית. מדובר בהשתלטות נוסח פישר, שגם הוא העביר בשיטתיות את כספי הציבור לניהולו האישי ועשה בהם כרצונו, עד שקבוצת אברכים מאנ"ש התעוררה והוציאה אותו מניהול ענייני השכונה.
התביעה, שכאמור מגובה בקבוצה של עסקנים ואנ"ש מודאגים מתושבי השכונה, הוגשה בתחילה על ידי שני חברי וועד הקהל, הרה"ח ר' חנינא הכהן שפערלין והרה"ח ר' לייביש נאש. רק לאחר שר' ישעי' בוימלגרין התקשר לר' חנינא שפערלין ואיים שישקיע מליון דולר לחוקרים פרטיים על מנת למצוא בו דופי ולהלשין עליו לשלטונות, ור' משה רובשקין הצטרף גם הוא לאיומים, כשהוא מאיים גם על משפחתו המורחבת – נאלץ ר' חנינא להסיר את שמו מהתביעה, מחשש שהשניים יממשו את איומיהם ויעלילו עליו עלילות שווא לשלטונות.
יצויין, כי התובעים תבעו את רובשקין תחילה לדין תורה. בית הדין - שבהרכבו ישב המרא דאתרא וחבר הבד"צ, הרה"ג הרב אהרן יעקב שווי, ואתו עמו הרבנים הגאונים היושבים על מדין בבד"צ של השכונה כמה שנים, הרה"ג ניסן מנגל והרה"ג שמואל פסח בוגומילסקי – זימן את רובשקין לדין תורה, ואף איפשר לו להתדיין בפני זבל"א, אולם רובשקין בחר להתעלם מבית הדין, וסירב להגיע לדיון.
לא זו בלבד שלא הגיע לדיון, אלא שכדי להשיג מונופול בבית הדין, יזם רובשקין בחירות, ערך אותם נגד דעת רוב הציבור, במהלכים בלתי-דמוקרטיים בעליל, כולל זיופים בתוצאות הבחירות. כל זאת, על מנת להכניס את הרב סגל ועוד שנים מאנשיו לבית הדין, ובכך ליצור רוב מול הרב שווי, ולהתחמק מדין תורה. במהלכיו אלו, כידוע לכולם, גרם רובשקין לפילוג עצום בשכונה, כולל המימסד השכונתי - וועד הקהל וועד הנציגים. מסתבר, כי הפילוג העצום וההרס שהותיר בשכונה, לא מעניינים את רובשקין ואנשיו בדרך להשגת מטרותיו.
על מנת לקיים את דין התורה, שכאשר הנתבע מסרב לבוא לדין תורה, רשאים הדיינים להתיר לתובעו בערכאות, ומכיוון שמדובר בכסף רב של ממון-ציבור וניהול כושל של ענייני השכונה, התירו חברי בית הדין הנ"ל לתובעים להגיש את התביעה לבית משפט אזרחי, על מנת להציל עשוק מיד עושקו, דהיינו את שכונת קראון הייטס מידיו של ר' משה רובשקין.
הטענה שאסור לפנות לבית המשפט מכיוון שבעטייה עלול רובשקין לשבת בכלא היא טענה מגוחכת. קודם כל, מי שמשמיע טענה כזאת, מודה למעשה שלפי הידוע לו, רובשקין אכן מועל בכספי הציבור בסדר-גודל כזה שעלול לגרום למעצרו על ידי השלטונות. אם כן, תמוה מאוד שהרב סגל שסבור כך, ממשיך לתמוך ברובשקין למרות המעילות הגדולות שמעל בכספי הציבור. שנית, אם רובשקין אינו רוצה להגיע לבית הכלא, יש לו אפשרות פשוטה מאוד: להגיע לדין תורה! אף אחד מהתובעים לא רואה מטרה קדושה להביא את רובשקין לבית המשפט. המטרה היא להפסיק את הניהול הפוחז של כספי הציבור, וההנהגה הכושלת בענייני הקהילה הקדושה. רק לאחר שרובשקין סירב להגיע לבית הדין, לא נותרה לתובעים ברירה אחרת, אלא לתובעו לבית משפט אזרחי. אך ברור, שבכל רגע נתון יכול רובשקין להגיע לדין תורה תוך התחייבות לקבל את פסק הדין על פי תורה, ואיום המשפט האזרחי יוסר מעליו.
גם הקלישאה הקבועה מבית מדרשו של רובשקין, שכל נסיון לעצור את השתלטותו על הציבור היא "סכנה לשלום השכונה, ופגיעה באחדות השכונה", מגוחכת לחלוטין, בעיקר כאשר היא מושמעת על ידי הרב סגל, מי שכל מעמדו הציבורית מהווה אחד מגורמי המפתח לפירוד והמחלוקת השוררים לצערנו בשכונתנו בחודשים האחרונים. אם כל כך חשוב לרב סגל השלום והאחדות בשכונתנו – יתכבד וייענה לפנייתם של זקני אנ"ש, ויודיע שהיות והבחירות שנוהלו על ידי רובשקין לא היו הוגנות, ללא צדק ויושר ובניגוד לרצונם של רוב תושבי השכונה שלא הגיעו לבחירות בהפגנתיות (את זאת יודע הרב סגל היטב. עובדה: הוא עצמו היה שותף בניסוח הסכם הרבנים לדחיית הבחירות ועריכתם על ידי גוף נייטראלי, ולא על ידי רובשקין) – הוא אינו מכיר בלגיטימיות של ה"בחירות" הללו, וממילא לא לוקח שום תפקיד ציבורי שנובע מהן.
בכלל, מוזר שאדם המקבל מרובשקין 30,000 דולר בשנה למשכורתו בתור "חבר הבד"צ", ויודע שמזה חודשיים עצר רובשקין את משכורתו של הרב שוויי, מכיון שאינו מיישר קו עם מעשיו המפוקפקים – יתערב בכלל בעניין זה לטובתו של רובשקין. מוזר עוד יותר שאדם שבעצמו מסרב להגיע לדין תורה, ידבר על יושר מוסרי ותורני.
להשלמת התמונה הכללית, מצורף בזה המסמכים הבאים:
א. אישור הרבנים להעביר את התביעה נגד רובשקין לבית משפט אזרחי, מכיוון שמסרב להגיע לדין תורה
לאחר ראיית התמונה השלימה, כל אחד יכול לשאול את עצמו: למי הרב סגל דואג – לעצמו, לשכונה או לרובשקין
ויהי רצון שיקויימו בנו תיכף ומיד דבריו של הרבי שבשכונת קראון הייטס, לא ישלוט הכסף, אלא הצדק והיושר. והאמת והשלום אהבו.
פרטים נוספים באתר 'דעת הקהל'
Please transalate this letter into english. It is of great interest to your readers and says the truth the way it is.
אינני מומחה במחשבים אך כשאני מלחיץ לראות המכתבים שצרפת לכתבה זה לא יוצא לי
אפשר לעשות את זה בפורמט אחר?
yes can we please get this in english
so we cann read it after all this is a english webisite in the US of A
Put koichois into translating sichos not politics!
Suffice it to say that it lays out, at any rate, the facts as they have been recorded here. It paints Horav Segel as a politician who irresponsibly tosses around destructive accusations and "rulings". [read: he is finished]
It clarifies the need to take Rubashkin to court and underscores the preference that he go to a din torah.
I voted for Rubashkin and now I feel obligated to correct this. How can my name be added to the court paper.
Why don't you offer equal space to those who oppose honesty and justice?
Why don't you print "our" side of the story?
Criminals have rights too, you know?
Many of us are eager to hear Rubashkins side of the story too.
The web site, as it's name implies, is open to all and you can tell Rubashkin and all his Friends to post here too.
The web site uses rules which excludes comments which don't meet the minimal standards which were posted. This results in comments from both sides of the argument, to be rejected, at times.
Unfortunately many people write, knowingly, untrue comments and comments which are very disrespectful to anyone of the only 3, Elected Mara Deasras (Rabbi Osdoba, Rabbi Heller and Rabbi Schwei) of the Badataz.
Such comments can't be published. The 99% of such comments comes from a handful of the Rubashkin supporters.
Click Here for a Copy of the Posting Rules
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Anonymous said...
אינני מומחה במחשבים אך כשאני מלחיץ לראות המכתבים שצרפת לכתבה זה לא יוצא לי
אפשר לעשות את זה בפורמט אחר?
Your name can be added to the court case by contacting the committee at:
Click Here for more Information
Michush said...
I voted for Rubashkin and now I feel obligated to correct this. How can my name be added to the court paper.
I have just heard on the Crown Heights Hotline (212 461-8874), A ruling by Rabbi Schwei, that allows taking Rubashkin to Court.
What I have not heard is the opinion of Rabbi Osdoba on this matter. Can anyone enlighten me?
CH Resident, your right!
To the best of my knowledge, Rabbi Osdoba never gave out any public letter to say that the entire community, who is now taking Rubashkin to court, is wrong.
C.H. Resident said...
I have just heard on the Crown Heights Hotline (212 461-8874), A ruling by Rabbi Schwei, that allows taking Rubashkin to Court.
What I have not heard is the opinion of Rabbi Osdoba on this matter. Can anyone enlighten me?
i dont get it,
NASH and SPERLIN may go to court but boymelgreen and rubshkin may not blackmail SPERLIN (according to
i am not saying what they are doing is right,
but WAKE UP, its a 2 way Street
To anyone who "doesn't get it":
In any civilized society, going to court is the civilized thing to do and is the pathway to Justice and even happens to be one of the 7 Mitzvos Beney Noach.
Al achas kama v'kama for a yid when ordered to go to court, by Orders of Beis Din!
Rubashkin/Boimelgreen's Blackmail, is the opposite, an uncivilized and illegal way to behave.
In case you didn't know, Justice and Injustice are not the same. They are opposites.
Long before the court case, during a Netzigim Meeting, this Winter, Rubashkin claimed to have had a letter (he refused to give anyone a copy) from Rabbi Osdoba which was very complementary of Rubashkin, that he is such a fine fellow for giving almonos and yesomomim chanuke gelt and a chanuke trip and other tzedaka.
Somehow, Rubashkin's argument was that Rabbi Osdoba's compliments of him being so great, means that he can be as irresponsible as he wants and doesn't have to be accountable to the Netzigim.
In that Letter, Rubashkin claimed, that Rabbi Osdoba said, that the current Netzigim, have dishonored Segal, because they dared to do "such a terrible thing" of merely reading Rabbi Schwei's letter which was calling Segal to a Din Torah.
"This grave Sin", of the Netzigim Respecting the Mara Deasra Harav Schwei's Hazmana, Rubashkin argued, was Rabbi Osdoba's reason why Rubashkin need not show the books to the Netzigim!
I don't know if this is true because Rubashkin (understandably)refused to give anyone a copy of this supposed Letter.
But since this web site claims to publish BOTH SIDES of the argument, I hope you will also publish my defense of Rubashkin.
Netzig, your right. Rubashkin does so much good, why is the whole world picking on him for no good reason?
Someone who calls himself "Yitzchak" raised some intriguing questions, in a comment which could not be published in it's entirety, which leaves me wondering;
If Rubashkin does so much good and Chesed then think about this:
1) Tznius is below Modern Orthodox Upper West Side Manhattan levels. What has Rubashkin done about that?
2) Kids are going off the derech. What has Rubashkin done about that?
3) Stores in the shchuna are selling unacceptable food to people who now do not know any better. What has Rubashkin done about that?
4) Crime is on the rise again. What has Rubashkin done about that?
5) 770 is beyond a mess. What has Rubashkin done about that?
6) Housing prices are beyond belief in CH, conditions are bad, and many feel like leaving especially because of the miserable atmosphere created by Rubashkin's machloikes. What has Rubashkin done about that?
7) Nut-cases like Failed Messiah Scotty and Mental Case Tzemach Atlas pick up all the garbage from Rubashkin's Machlokes and use it to mock all of Chabad - and the misnagdim, Israeli left etc eat it all up.
Why doesn't Rubashkin simply Resign, (and or go to an unbiased Din Torah of Zabla) so that all this Machlokes will be solved and be OVER in ONE SECOND flat!
tznius is very sad but thats the rabonims fault not rubashkin.
The sky high prices of houses are because the Badatz fell apart and the Rishimas Habatim was gone with the wind because S---- and others screwed the system and didnt listen to the rabonim. Not Rubashkin.
You can blame him for some things but the entire neighboorhodds headaches.
מישהוא כתב
טענה למה רובאשקין אינו עושה משהו עבור הצניעות כמדומני שאין זה באחריותו כי אם באחריות הרבנים
למה יש crime
וכדומה זה כן באחריותו
(כתבתי בעבר משהו על ה"זקנים" שהתערבו בענין
היום ראיתי לראשונה במי מדובר
(שביניהם בעלי צורה הינני חוזר מדברי
A Rav Paskens Shaalos, if their is a Shaaloh.
Their is no question that Tznius is a problem, and no one need to ask the Rabbonim, everyone knows it.
But it is the JOB of the Vaad hakohol to make Tikunim in this BEPOAL.
The same is with Crime, it's the job of the Police. Your right, that no one expects Rubashkin to fight crime in th streets, like the Police or Shmira.
But that's why we Elect a Vaad Hakohol, not that they should DO all the work but for them to make sure that "whoever" is supposed to do their job, actually does it BEPOAL Mamash.
V'Asimem Berosheihem - When the system breaks down, and nothing works - The Rosh Hakohol, gets all the "Credit" for not making sure that the System Works and Everyone is doing their respective Jobs.
When the Rosh Hakohol, is busy making Machlokes all day, this is the inevitable result.
All the years Chanina was the boss he got photos with the police commissioner, the mayor, the governor, the politicians. All the goyim knew he was the top leader of Crown Heights, the man you go to after Gimmel Tammuz. And not even he could get the cops to do a better job. Neither could Chazan before him, or all the others. The NYPD is the NYPD, and they do their job according to their rules. If you are going to blame Rubashkin, then blame Sperlin.
I tred e-mailing the court1 e-mail and din;t get a response.
The lawyers are very busy. I am sure that you will be contacted if and when your help is needed.
Explain me this. I understand how Nash can go to court because he is the member of the Vaad HaKohol, I think they call it he has standing. But how can I have the same charges as Nash since I am only live in the schunah?
Good question Zalmy,
Those who were elected to Vaad Hakohol are not our boss but our servants and we, the community are the boss.
The servants of the community are accountable to "US" the people of the community, who are effectively their boss.
The Law, does in fact state, that "anyone who has a legitimate interest" (i.e. we the community, for whom they work), has access to the Books.
Sadly, we have no choice but to Drag him through the courts in order to get a copy of what is legitimately ours, the books, only because Rubashkin "doesn't understand" when you "talk to him nice".
Good question Zalmy,
Those who were elected to Vaad Hakohol are not our boss but our servants and we, the community are the boss.
The servants of the community are accountable to "US" the people of the community, who are effectively their boss.
The Law, does in fact state, that "anyone who has a legitimate interest" (i.e. we the community, for whom they work), has access to the Books.
Sadly, we have no choice but to Drag him through the courts in order to get a copy of what is legitimately ours, the books, only because Rubashkin "doesn't understand" when you "talk to him nice".
I hate to burst some bubbles but lets get some facts.
1. This case is a civil lawsuit. The DA is NOT involved.
There is nothing illegal nor is it obstruction to attempt to use regular corporte procedures to ensure that control of a party and by extention a lawsuit is in your hands.
IF there is evidence of a crime then the DA MAY decide to investigate. I am not saying that Nash is wrong or will loose, I am just saying that dont get all excited on something that really doesnt come into play.
2. Any plaintiff can drop out of a lawsuit. The mere fact you made allegations in a complait does not preclude you from changing your mind and dropping out. It happens in thousands of cases, everyday.
3. Regarding the alleged sale of any property anyone can search NYC property records at the NYC's ACRIS website. So if someone has a chance before I do go check and post the results.
I know people really feel strong but lets deal with reality not dreams.
To "Someone"
I don't understand your point and I don't know whose "bubble" or which "bubble" you are imagining that you "burst".
I haven't noticed that you disagreed with anything anyone else said nor that anyone disagreed with what you said.
So what's your point?
What you say is self evident.
Could you do something about the format of the blog. Your template is messed up on the right side of the text. Try changing the template.
Are you using Mozila?
It's only a problem with Mozila but works perfectly fine with IE
i'm not a lawyer but was just wondering...
could rabbi segal really get in trouble for conspiracy to murder or attempted murder for what he said on col?
anyone know the law?
just wanted to tell you that in OT none of us talmidim have any real derch eretz for him any more
we are surprised thet the hanhale stil keeps him
How disaterous!
Once again the chinuch of our children is undermined. A child who doesn't respect his teacher grows up not to respect anyone! [Maybe that is how we got to where we are today.]
We like to pat ourselves on the back and say that we respect the rabonim.
To: Be a Roeh es Hanolad!
Your right!
And that's why, IF Oholey Torah would be a "Roeh es Hanolad" they would Fire any such teacher who is teaching our chilfren, how to be disrespectful to the Rav, to disrespect the Mara Deasra as Segal does, when he is called to a Din Torah and refuses the call, with Chutzpah.
Ohoely torah, should be a "Roeh es Hanolad", to get rid of him, before he ruins the Chinuch of more children, who could Chas V'Sholom also grow up to be like him, to all ignore all Rabbonim and ignore all Din Torah's when called.
Segal's Chutzpah to the Mara Deasra is destrying all our youth!
The question should be:
Now that we are here what can we do to end it in a manner that remains absolutely respectful without question to all of the Rabbonim?
(and even to deal with the instigators in a manner of being noheg kovod ze laze)
To: Be a Roeh es Hanolad!
What you are asking, is on everyones "wish list" and it sounds like a very difficult "million dollar question".
Actually, we don't have to reinvent the wheel!
There is essentially nothing new abut "Our Machlokes". Throughout all generations, Yidden ALWAYS had Machlokes!
Torah gives us a VERY CLEAR ANSWER on how to handle disagreements and machlokes by Yidden.
Torah's Answer:
When Yidden have a disagreements they settle it by DIN TORAH of ZABLA
And the very same Torah says that when this option is unavailable (because one of the two parties refuses Zabla), then TORAH DEMANDS that it be settled in COURT.
If we all follow the Torah, we will have True Peace.
This is essentially what The Rebbe told Fisher's wife, when she cried to the rebbe, about her husbands "machlokes".
All of us can help end the Machlokes, by the communities Demand and Resolve that everyone called to a Din Torah, actually agrees to a Zabla Beis Din.
Any other so called recommended "pshara" (what a joke!), to use a Beis Din which everyone knows is a Nogeah B'Davar is an insult to the Intelligence of the Community, who all, see right through, all the corruption and THIS HYPOCRISY, is what causes us to "lose our youth".
i'm the bocher from ot and if you want to know why you are loosing all of us it's because we see that their is no reel emes by anyone
everyone is out just for their own koved power and mony
that's what we see when our teacher refuses a din-toyre because its for his personal advanteg to violate the toyre this time and this what we see when the hanhale forces the rov to seet right next to the menuvel and shake hands with the menuvel just because the get a few bucks from someone to bild a mikve for us
טאקע, זלמן-- פארוואס זאל'ן מיר מאכן א חשבון הנפש פאר זיו ןןען מ'קען מאכן פאר יענעם
to the bochur from ot:
refering to "someone" as a menuval is not respectful for anyone.
the rebbe entrusted "someone" with special shlichus'n but i didnt notice anyone of the owners of this website (names are hidden but we assume the vaad...) that the rebbe ever had them do any work for him did he ever entrust anyone of them with anything?
you wont print this anyways but why not try
and if you print it do so only in its enierty.
1) Bochrim takeh shouldn't mix into politics, af al pi kein, "kabel es hoemes mimi sheomroy" - you have to admit that the bocher does have some good points.
2) The Rebbe the Nassi, (at that time) Moshe Rabeinu, chose many Shluchim who were the absolute finest, at the time, but they "messed up", later, Big Time.
You can add your "someone" to the list of the "Meraglim" who thought that "because they were out in the Field", on Shlichus, they "knew better" whereas their Commander in Chief, Moshe Rabeinu, does not asses "the situation on the ground, and in the Field" as "wisely" as they do.
3) I suppose you feel we should seat the "chosen" Meraglim at the head table too? And we must Honor the Maraglim because the Meraglim were "the chosen ones" and you and I, did not merit to be "the chosen meraglim".
I asked one of Moshe's close friends, Ad Mosai?
Doesn't he realize that he is loosing in the court of public opinion and probably in the regular court too, next week? So why doesn't he just hand over the keys and the books, resign, or got to zabla or at least stop making more machlokes?
He answered that actually, Moshe already realizes that "he's finished", but he figures:
Why not wait and see?
Why should he go to Zabla now?
It's smarter for Moshe to First wait and see, to wait until he sees that the Judge is ready to, finish him off, and before he goes to the guillotines he will then try to call it off by saying he's now ready for Zabla.
Why should any girl dress tznius when she can "enjoy" dressing the way she feels?
Because, she sees that Segal and Rubashkin don't respect Halacha to follow the Torah for Zabla, simply because of the own Yetzer Hara, because "they don't feel like it" so why does "she" have to be Frumer than the so called "Chosheve Yidden" - "Pney Hador" Segal and Rubashkin?
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