Special Fund Established to Compensate for Rubashkin's Refusal to Pay the Salary of the Mara Deasra, Harav Schwei Shelita
To all residents of Crown Heights:
Unfortunately, for the past few months the Va'ad Hakahal has not paid the salary of Harav Schwei, who works tirelessly on behalf of the community, as we are all aware. Therefore, a temporary fund has been established for this purpose of paying Rabbi Schwei's salary. This fund will be administered by the undersigned, and will cover Rabbi Schwei's salary and his expenses related to the Beis Din.
We turn to all members of the community to loan funds to this fund, so as to allow Rabbi Schwei to receive his rightful compensation for the dedicated work he does on behalf of the community. The loans will be repaid when the Va'ad Hakahal meets its obligations.
Checks should be made payable to: Special Account
and sent to this address: 1276 President St., Brooklyn, NY 11213
Or given to one of the signers below
Signed: Abba Paltiel, Baruch Bush, Yosef Boruch Spielman, Mordechai Chein, Yosef Yitzchok Spalter, Refoel Wilschansky, Leibish Nash, Chanina Sperlin
This web site is so One Sided.
Why haven't they established a fund to pay Rabbi Osdoba's Salary?
Isn't Rabbi Osdoba also a Mara Deasra?
Does Rabbi Osdoba not deserve to get paid as well as Rabbi Schwei?
This is such a ridiculous comment. The reason the fund for Rabbi Shwei was established is because Moshe Rubashkin is deliberately trying to starve Rabbi Shwei to break his will. Rabbi ozdoba is already paid a lucrative salary both from Brook/chk and from Rubashkin. This, only for a part time job that does not include the other salary he gets from the Yeshiva. So Rabbi Ozdoba gets 3 salaries and Rabbi Shwei gets nothing and works full time as a Rov! The Vaad Hakohol has no acces to its funds to pay Rabbi Shwei since all the finances have been hijacked by Moshe Rubashkin. This by itself in my opinion is enough of a reason to sue him in court besides all the other reasons already mentioned.
The basis of your question seems to be that you think that Rubashkin stopped paying because he doesn't have any money.
This is not the case.
Rubashkin is paying everyone including Rabbi Osdoba their full salary Beharchava Gedolah.
Rubashkin has plenty of money to Burn as evident by his spending habits of the council funds.
He only stopped paying Rabbi Schwei ! ! !
Everyone else is being over paid Beharchava Gedolah, while he is Starving Rabbi Schwei AF TZULUCHES with Blazing Chutzpah
Anonymous said...
Why haven't they established a fund to pay Rabbi Osdoba's Salary?
אל תבין אותי לא נכון
מה שאתם עושים לשלם להרב שוויי זה עבודה טובה ומבורכת
אך שאלתי האם נכון השמועה ששמעתי שבוועד העבר לא שלמו להרב אזדאבא כמדומני שקראתי את זה במכתב של הרב אזדאבא שהוא הי' צריך להגיע ולבקש כעני בפתח
תקן אותי אם אני טועה
I am willing to donate $10,000 to the fund if I get a letter of thanks from rabbi Schwei thanking me for helping support his family and putting food on his table, beacsue Rubashkin stopped paying him
Anonymous said...
I am willing to donate $10,000 to the fund if I get a letter of thanks from rabbi Schwei thanking me for helping support his family and putting food on his table, beacsue Rubashkin stopped paying him
11:59 AM
It is not fair to ask for such a letter, since the Rov does not have to be obligated to any single individual for his salary. The Rov is payed for by the public and every individual who dontes money is donating it to the public so they can maintain their obligations to the Rov. What you are trying to do is to put the Rov on your private payroll which is unacceptable.
I just heard on the Crown Heights Hotline (212 461-8874), that Rabbi Osdoba Gave out a letter, in which he strictly prohibits, taking Rubashkin to court.
How come you don't publish his letter?!
Well I guess it proves your one sided....
when did Rabbi Osdoba's arive in lubavitch
This is a Da'as Hakohol site, not a private Hechsher enterprise site. They only print matters which pertain to serving the public at large, not to further personal agendas and private enterprises whether they once belonged to the kohol and were wrested away shelo kedin or not
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