Saturday, May 06, 2006

NEW, Post Election Letter by the Vaad Hakohol members: Leibish Nash & Chanina Sperlin


Members of the Vaad Hakohol
of Crown Heights

7 Iyaar, 5766

To All Anash:

The community has spoken forcefully and overwhelmingly, and rejected the Moshe Rubashkin/Yossi Brook cartel’s attempt to force their choice of Rabbonim on us. We reject their dictatorship! We will never accept their attempt to force Rabbonim upon the community against its will—contrary to the Rebbe’s instructions. We respect the candidates that stood for election, but we hope that they have the self-respect to face their rejection by the community, rather than attempt to force themselves upon us. Of over 2,300 eligible voters, by Sunday night less than 600 people voted (and 350 of them voted only in order to weaken the Beis Din – see below). That means that over 1,700 people stayed home and chose not to participate in this mockery of elections. The Netzigim, the real Netzigim, will now undertake the difficult task of finding suitable candidates and running a fair and honest election.

The Rebbe taught us that we must turn the negative into something positive. Indeed, the experience we have just gone through has taught us much:

• Both Rabbonim, on their own demonstrated that they are interested in making peace and they both signed an agreement to make fair elections. (It was only when pressured by individuals with self-interests and personal agendas that one of the Rabbonim changed his mind.)

• The organizers of the election showed their true colors. The election materials they distributed were transparently distorted and manipulative. They were full of personal attacks on some of the most prominent people in the community, and they brought down the level of public discourse to a new low.

• The election propaganda, and the election workers, were paid for with community funds. It is now high time that there is financial accountability by Mr. Rubashkin. Should he continue to ignore hazmonahs to Bais Din, then we will use legal pressure to have him comply with his responsibilities to the other members of the Vaad HaKohol and to the community at large.

An analysis of the election results, is as follows:

• 350 plus long-term enemies of the Beis Din, those who never participated in the elections even when the Rebbe was distributing dollars, came out to vote in force. They have always been interested in harming the institution of the Beis Din and they have refused to recognize or support it. Their interest here is to weaken the Beis Din by encouraging internal fighting.
To them we would point out that there has been enough fighting and machlokis in the community. By weakening the Beis Din they are weakening respect for all authority figures in our community – Rabbonim, teachers, parents, and ultimately creating disrespect, chas v’sholem, for Torah and Halacha. This is destroying all our families, including, G-d forbid, their own.

• 100 or so voted because they bought the argument that this is a war and they must defend “their side.”

To them we say that we are one community and we cannot allow ourselves to be split. If one side “prevails” over the other, we are all destroyed. The machlokis must be dealt with by mediation and resolving the dispute, not by layering additional splits and fighting on top of the existing problems. When the community clearly expresses its zero tolerance for continued fighting, the Rabbonim will be greatly encouraged to negotiate, just as they did this past motzei Shabbos, until certain people mixed in and interfered.

• A number of people who were intimidated/harassed/embarrassed into voting.
To this group, and the many others who have complained about all the irregularities in voting, we have requested a lawyer to look into the issues, to ensure that nothing like this happens again.

• The remaining individuals voted because they are so outraged at the present situation in the community and they desperately want a change.

To them we point out that no good can come from an edifice built on a faulty foundation. This election was designed to continue the machlokis, not resolve it, as many in the community do not recognize the validity of the results and do not accept the Rabbonim as part of the Beis Din.

As we said, the Netzigim will now begin the very difficult process of identifying proper candidates, with Hashem’s help, and arranging fair elections. In addition, we request the community’s help for the following projects:

First, we must remove those with personal, selfish agendas from positions of influence in the community. They have violated the community’s trust and placed all of us in harm’s way, may Hashem protect us. When the opportunity arises to remove them, please step up to the plate and do the right thing. Otherwise they will continue to destroy the Rebbe’s shchuna and mosdos.

Of utmost importance, we must encourage the Rabbonim to make peace. No one should side with one Rav over the other, as this simply encourages the dispute. The details of the arguments are not our affair, nor are the terms of resolution. We must all resist the temptation, and help our family, friends and associates resist the temptation, to take sides. Instead we must all ask and plead with the Rabbonim to negotiate to resolve their differences. It can be done if we work together. It must be done if we are to survive as a community.

With heartfelt prayers for peace and healing in our community,

Leibish Nash Chanina Sperlin
Senior Member, Vaad HaKohol Executive Vice President

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Who is really “In Charge” ? Inside the Badatz: an EXPOSÉ

DaasHakohol, working with undercover investigators and detectives has uncovered an unprecedented wealth of information of incredible corruption and highly incriminating information on all those who are associated with, Clique of Boimelgreen, Brook, Katzman, Reitzes, with Rubashkin, Lang and Plotkin, and those who approved and Rubber Stamped their incredible Chutzpah and Machlokes against the Mara Deasra Harav Schwei Shelita.

Since Legal Action is currently pending against all of the corrupt individuals, we can’t disclose yet all the details of all of their crimes which we have uncovered but it will all be a matter of public record in the courts, as the papers are filed, in due time.

The following is merely the Tip of the Iceberg to give you a minor glimpse of one of the most “minor” corruption incidents which took place this past Sunday. Other similar incidents are 1,000 worse than this one. Nevertheless, from this story, you can begin to understand how deep this corruption runs and who is Really In Charge and Who is Really responsible for all the Machlokes in the Badatz.


This past Sunday, “Corrupt Election Day”, Rabbi Osdoba reached an equitable agreement which was very fair on both sides, which required to immediately Halt the Elections until a later date (6 weeks later) when Fair, Elections, can be held. Rabbi Schwei and Rabbi Osdoba, both signed these Peace Accords, in front of several witnesses.


In Front of The Mashpiah, Rabbi Pinye Korf !

In front of Rabbi Odsoba's own "Dayan", Rabbi Shlome Segal !

In front of the Mashpia, Rabbi Kuty Rapp !

In front of the Strait Shooter, Honest and Impartial Negotiator of the Deal, Eli Polterak !

A few hours later, Rabbi Osdoba gave a Shiur in Hadar Hatorah, where he was questions by his Class, if it was true that he canceled the elctions and why he canceled the Elections?

Witnesses, who were present at this Shiur, told our investigators, that Rabbi Osdoba appeared a little embarrassed, and sheepishly said that to begin with, this election was only thought to be, kind of “Like a Referendum or Like the Primaries” and so he agreed to Cancel It and delay it. But he definitely told his class that it is in fact true that the Elections Are Canceled.

However, as he walked out of his Hadar Hatorah Class, he was approached by an angry looking Boimelgreen who took Rabbi Osdoba into his Car where he “spoke” to him…..

Immediately afterwards Rabbi Osdoba Defaulted on His Written Contract Agreement, Defaulted the Peace Accords with his Fellow Rav and shocked everyone, by actually Voting Himself, in violation of his joint, previous, Lagal and Halachic, Contract Agreement, to cancel the Elections.

Whenever anyone signs an agreement between two people, everyone understands, that according to Halacha and according to the Law and according to normal human decency, One Person alone, can never cancel a Contract which was agreed and signed by Both, Parties involved!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

C.H. Voters Convinced of Potential Election Fraud

As the day comes to an end with so few voters turning out to vote for Rubashkin's corrupt slate, new concerns over the week long election process is heard. Most voters feel absolutely certain that there will DEFINITELY be Election Fraud, especially since the election process will be dragged out over an entire week.

Normally, Each team who has a vested interest in an election outcome, will place their own observers to keep an eye on ballot counting. This process is all but impossible when the Voting process will continue for a week and possibly many weeks to come until the Corrupt leaders of this election are satisfied with the Voter Manipulation and when the outcome of the election is guaranteed in their favor.

Simply said. NO ONE can stay up for an entire week without sleeping to watch the Ballots. As everyone retires for each night Election Fraud is Virtually GUARANTEED!

No one we spoke to has ever heard of such brazen Cheating by extending the election beyond 1 day. It's Unheard off! Even the most corrupt countries in the world are ashamed of themselves to Cheat so openly!

It has a GOY'ISHe Feel to it - Akum Merakdim B'Heicholy, Vehu Shosek!

DaasHakohol observers, reports a record low turnout. Never before in CH History has an election drawn so few voters. The Low Turnout shows that people Respect Halacha and Respect Rabbi Schwei's Issur that it's ABSOLUTELY NEGEDHALACHA to Vote in this so called Election.

The Election has GOY'ish Look and a GOY'ish Feel to it as it is indeed a Goy'ish thing to Vote Neged Hahalacha.

Just Look at the GOYISH'Keit


Rabbi Osdoba's Letters - Reversing Himslef ?!?!?!?

Everyone is totally Dumbfounded to Say the least that Rabbi Osdoba Reversed himself on his Prior Written Contract Agreement, where he agreed that the elections would be canceled this Sunday. In addition to Sundays Election, he now says that he agreed to make it an entire week long Election, Sunday through Thursday!!!!!

Political observers say, that this unprecedented position, to prolong the election for AN ENTIRE WEEK ?!?!?! is due to the fact that There is a Record Low Turnout Because the majority of the community is respecting and accepting Rabbi Schwei's Psak Din which forbids these Elections.

They are hoping that if the election process can be prolonged indefinitely, perhaps they can get get few more votes and to potentiallly have more time to Cheat in the Election Process. They are hopping to be able to obtain another handful of votes, ("Pressured" "Bought" or simply "Cheated") and possibly come out of this with Less Incredible Bizyonos for Rubashkin and Company!

Although He Promised and SIGNED! - Rabbi Osdoba "CHANGED HIS MIND" ! "No Deal" He Says

NEWS FLASH! - Latest Election News

"SHALOM" *** "SHALOM" *** V'EIN SHALOM! (As Usual)

Chronology of Events surrounding the ABSOLUTELY CORRUPT Election Proceedings

1) Motzoey Shabbos a Yungerman by the name of Poltrack, a well known community "Strait Shooter", successfully brokered a deal where both Rabbonim Agreed and signed a Deal to delay the election until such time and conditions where it will no longer be CORRUPT (As it is Now).

2) To everyones Amazement, Rubashkin refused to stop his Corrupt Elections, although BOTH Rabbonim had reached an agreement to NOT Make the Elections today.

Rubashkin went so far as to physically attack Mr Poltrack who brokered the successfully deal and Rubashkin also Physically Attacked Rabbi Yitchok Holtzman and others. Rubashkin also broke Poltracks Cell Phone.

All this action was recorded by secret surveillance Cameras.The NYPD and Rubashkin's Parole Officer are very interested in obtaining a copy of the Video Tape.

3) About noon time, Mr Lang walked into 770 and got up on the Bima and announced that Rabbi Osdoba "Changed His Mind"!!!!???!!! and defaulted on all his promises and said "the Election will go on as Scheduled".

Mr Lang used a supposed "excuse" that the Rabbi, only signed, because "he thought" that all candidates agreed, but since he later found out that not all candidates agreed, he defaulted on his agreement which he signed with his own signature in front of witnesses.

Everyone who had seen Rabbi Osdoba's Signature which specifically canceled the current Elections, refused to believe that Rabbi Osdoba would not keep his very own written promise and everyone was sure that Mr Lang must be mistaken or was lying.

4) However some time after 1 pm, when Rabbi Osdoba finished his Shiur etc. Rabbi Osdoba himself Absolutely SHOCKED everyone, when he was himself actually seen Voting, in direct a contradiction to his very own signed agreement of only few hours ago!!!!!!!!!

NEWS FLASH! Elections Delayed, by joint Agreement of Both Rabbonim

Working all night, Motzoey Shabbos, Early Sunday morning an agreement was was signed by both Rabbonim, Rabbi Schwei and Rabbi Osdoba as follows:

Both Rabbonim agree to Push Off the Elections:

1) The Elections will take place by 22 Sivan

2) A Third Party will conduct the Elections and the Vaad Hakohol will not be invloved

3) Both Rabbonim will be able to confirm candidates and the other Rav will not be able to Dispute it.

4) The Elections will take place with the same current conditions as far as: that each voter will be able to decide to vote for 1 or for 2 or for 3 Candidates. Whichever Candidate gets more than 50% of the vote will be part of the Badatz.

Below is the signature affixed by the Mara Deasra Harav Shvey Shelita

Below is the signature affixed by the Mara Deasra harav Osdoba Shelita

Rabbonim World War Three, First Begins, the day AFTER the Election! And WILL Continue FOREVER!

NEWS UPDATE from the Polls:

What are people saying at the Polls?

DaasHakohol, reporters questioned many people at 770 and here is the feedback we got.

Rubashkin and Company are masquerading, that people should vote in order to Kaviyochol "Solve the Machlokes"

Little do they realize how silly they are, because the exact opposite is true.

They don't realize that "The Best is Yet to Come"!

The ONLY, purpose of Democratic Elections, is because everyone agrees to abide by the outcome. However, in this case, everyone agrees that regardless of who may get elected it will DEFINITELY NOT be recognized by the apposing group, because of all those who said this was a corrupt process.

Most of Anash will not respect the Election Results, regardless of the outcome.

The Rebbe's Sicha describing: Machlokes and a Rav who takes Shochad!

Before you even THINK if you should Vote:
Click, to Listen to the Rebbe's Sicha,

Amazing Nevuah of the Rebbe!

The Rebbe's Sicha, from Purim 5747, is as though it was a Nevuah for Our Time and Day - Today 2 Iyar 5766

Listen to the Rebbe's Graphic description of:

1) A Machlokes amongst 2 or 3 people, we never could have imagined such a Machlokes!

2) What type of Rav may one Choose? Only a Rav who is K'Malachay Hashores, not one who is associated with taking Shochad of Money or Kovod.

3) The Rebbe explains that one can't be The Rav, after he took Shochad (even if he didn't realize it was Shochad).

4) The Rebbe explains that the reason why we see such outrageous terrible things coming out of the "Finest People", it's so that, they can realize, their hidden evil traits, to correct it before Moshiach comes.

The 2 Rabbonim, TOGETHER CHOOSE, the 3d Rav - No Elections - The Rebbe's Tzavaah - Listen to the Sicha!

Click to Listen to the Sicha - It's only 43 SECONDS long!

Shortly after the Rebbetzen Passed away, the Rebbe made 3 Wills.

1) Will # 1, was only regrading the Rebbe's personal estate, to be transfered to Aguch. This was required to be a legal will so that it will not be contested by the same people who contested 770, after Gimel Tamuz.

2) Will # 2 was not exactly what we would call a secular legal will, because it was to Chassidim who follow Torah and not the courts. This will is more properly and technically called a Tzavaah, and it deals with who is in charge of all the Rebbe's Mosdos, after Gimel Tamuz. This Tzavaah was in writing but reportedly not signed and was disputed. However our Rabbonim ruled that it was Halachically valid and should be followed.

3) Will # 3, more properly called a Tzavaah was regarding all Chassidim. It was regarding, whom to ask questions to, and whom to listen to, on matters of question. This the Rebbe gave us orally, via a Recorded Sicha of the Rebbe on the Night of 3 Adar 5748.

In this Sicha the Rebbe repeatedly says that we should ask and follow 3 Chassidishe Rabbonim however if you LISTEN to the Sicha, you will note that the Rebbe says that:

If you have 3 Rabbonim it's a Beis Din and if you only have 2 Rabbonim, then these 2 (together, should not make "Elections", but rather, instead these 2) Should Choose TOGETHER a 3d Rav.

The Rebbe explains that this is Al Pi Shulchan Aruch this way and is done so even regrading the Sanhedrin.

Indeed, this is exactly what was followed for the past FIFTEEN YEARS, since Rabbi Heller, quit the Beis Din, whenever, Rabbi Marlow and Rabbi Osdoba needed 3 Rabbonim, they CHOSE a Third, WITHOUT Elections, but they BOTH had to agree on who the 3d was TOGETHER!

Listen to the the segment of this Sicha (It's less than One Minute) - Listen to it AGAIN and AGAIN, until there is no longer any confusion that this FORCED election is NOT the Road to Peace but rather the 2 Rabbonim must CHOOSE THEMSELVES a Third Rav, who they BOTH agree to TOGETHER! according to the Rebbe's Tzavaah given specifically for THIS Time!

Click to Listen to the Sicha

NEWS FLASH! The Rebbe’s Room Minyan in 770 and Downstairs Minyan in 770 – Announced: "DO NOT TO VOTE" !

Friday Night, in 770:

Immediately after Gerlitzkie’s announcements, Yosul Motchkin, got up on the Bima, and announced that there is a Psak Din from one of the Rabbonim of the Badatz of the CH which forbids this Election and therefore no one may Vote.

Once More, Shabbos in the Day, right before Krias Hatorah, in Packed Shull, Yosul Mutchkin announced again that everyone should know that we have TWO Elected Rabbonim, and no one may Vote, until and unless BOTH Rabbonim agree to the candidates. Since Rabbi Schwei issued a Letter which forbids Rubashkin’s Corrupt Elections, therefore No One May Vote, Chas V’Sholom, in direct violation of Rav’s Psak Din which Assers this Corrupt Election Process.

DaasHakohol observed, neerliy everyone thanking Yosul Motchkin for having said, that which EVERYONE wanted to say, but only Yosul Had the Guts to actually get up and SAY it.

Support for Yosul Mothckin's announcement was so widely accepted by the entire Kehila, that not even one Protest Voice was heard, from anyone, in 770 – Everyone in 770 Agreed that Yosul Motchkin is 100% Right.

The Gabaaim of 770, seeing that the entire Kehila does not approve of this Corrupt Election, Anounced that they have decided to "not take any sides" and the section of the Shull usually used for such elections, will remain closed.

It was rumored, that Rabbi Osdoba, having the key (To the Ezras Noshim) from Mechiras Chometz, gave it to Rubashkin, although the Gabaim did not allow the use of the Shull for Election purposes.

Rubashkin and Company, reportedly used this key Illeagaly, to enter the premises and CHANGED THE LOCKS of the 770 Ezras Noshim, without permission from the Gabaim, to show the Gabaim that Rubashkin is Boss of 770 and NOT THE GABOIM! A Chutzpah Sh'Ein Komohu!

What Happened In the Rebbe’s Room in 770?

Daashakohol’s agents in the Rebbe’s Room have reported that It was officially announced on Shabbos that their position clearly is that absolutely “NO ONE SHOULD VOTE!”

What Happened At the Ohel?

Our News reporters who intervied many of those who were present, this Shabbos, at the Ohel, said:

Rubashkins Elections were being Mocked at the Farbrengens at the Ohel and that there was not even any question in anyones mind, that anyone would even think of voting.

Other Shulls throughout Crown Heights:

DaasHakoho’s news reporters, have inquired as to the position of Anash from other shulls. Most Shulls reported that they too, have announced that “No One is Permitted to Go Vote” because it is a direct “Violation of a Direct Psak Din from Rabbi Schwei which Forbids this Corrupt Election”.

Most of Anash, are Outraged at Rubashkin’s Chutzpah, and the vast majority has told our news reporters that they will definitely not vote.

Some members of Anash have told DaasHakohol, that although they greatly Respect Rabbi Osdoba, however in the face of this Corrupt Election Process, they will make sure not to Vote, because they don’t want to get involved in this Unfair, Machlokes-Election which will only make matters worse.

Others members of Anash who are close followers of Rabbi Osdoba have told us that, they will simply make sure “Not To Be a Around”, Perhaps go to Borough Park or just go do Mivtzaim or “Other Good Things” in order not to insult either Rav, while making sure that they will definitely NOT VOTE, Chas V’Sholom.