Friday, June 09, 2006

Rubashkin and Renegade Netzigim, risk up to Five Years in Prison for Obstruction of Justice as a results of the Impeachment Attempt to stop the Courts

NEWS UPDATE - Sunday 6/11/2006

DaasHakohol and Rubashkin's Council has apparently been effective in persuading Rubashkin and his Renegade Netzigim, to abandon of their "Impeachment Attempt".

DaasHakohol has learned that Rubashkin's Council has advised them, to cancel Mondays Meeting for 3 reasons:

1) Since most Renegade Netzigim aren't willing to sit in Jail for Rubashkin, he can't even get a Quorum to attend his Illegal Netzigim meeting.

2) Rubashkin's Obstruction of Justice is likely to send him back to Fort Dix, since he is still on Probation.

3) Rubashkin's Impeachment Attempt is sure to anger the Judge and help make him loose the case.

In conclusion Rubashkin was advised that he should just pretend like he is trying an Impeachment Attempt, but nothing more than just pretending.

Rubashkin was advised to do this, by claiming that he has not "Canceled" the meeting but rather "only postponed" it until the 19th of the Month, which is Rubashkin's "Yom Hadin", in court.

Then on the 19th, he can then Lie once more and claim to "delay it" once more and so on, continuously - as Rubashkin has done in the past.

Netzigim could be Guilty of Obstruction of Justice, and face 5 years imprisonment if they attempt impeachment to stop the court case!

Click Here for the Definition of Obstruction of Justice and it's implications.

For more details on Obstruction of Justice, be sure to read "questions and answers" in the comments section. Click Here for comments.

Rubashkin has been sending people, to intimidate those involved in the court case against him, saying that the case must be stopped at once so as not to uncover any of Rubashkin’s possible criminal activity which could be a violation of his current probation, resulting in his return to Fort Dix.

At the same time, while Rubashkin is trying to make a “Rachmones Case” out of himself, (that the case against him be dropped out of Rachmones for him,) at the same time he has relentlessly increased all his improper activity which has prompted the court case against him, to begin with.

It never stops to amaze people how someone who fears a violation of his parole and who criticizes others of alleged “Mesira”, yet he himself. Never stops jumping into the Fire, head on, relentlessly.

If their was any truth at all, that anyone is putting Rubashkin in danger, by taking him to court, certainly Rubashkin could just quit what he is doing and reverse the damage and the case would have been dropped against him.

The fact that not only has Rubashkin not backed down but he has increased his wrongful activity and all of Rubashkin’s Lawyers, Aids, Friends and Rabbi’s allow him to continue his reckless behavior, Have proven beyond a doubt, that no one really considers this to be a case of real “Mesira”.

The "Mesira Card" is obviously being falsely played in a desperate effort to discredit the inevitable winners of the current court case against Rubashkin.

Rubashkin’s most recent bizarre action has called for a meeting of his Illegal Renegade Netzigim to assemble in his home in attempt to impeach the Vaad Hakohol members who are taking him to court, for the sole reason that they have dared to take him to court.

This is in effect Rubashkins own Mesira on Himself!

Such action to deliberately undermine the Supreme Court, in such a Chutzpadik way, is sure to be considered the most brazen Obstruction of Justice, by the judge who is currently hearing the case.

Many Netzigim have already said that they will not risk attending this illegal meeting. One prominent Netzig has told DaasHakohol: “As much as I love Rubashkin, I am not ready to go to Jail for him”. Other Netzigim have also expressed similar sentiment.

At the very least, Rubashkin’s Impeachment Chutzpah, against the Judge, is sure to anger the Judge and help win the case against Rubashkin.

It is interesting to note that this is not the first time, that Rubashkin has “shot himself in the foot”. In the past criminal case against Rubashkin, his Brazen Chutzpah against the Judge in the courtroom, is what prompted the Judge to give him a much longer sentence in Fort Dix.

If Rubashkin has not yet learned his lesson from his past, perhaps, at least the Netzigim, will make sure that they can say “Yodeinu Loy Shofcha Es Hadam Hazeh” – to not lend a hand to help Rubashkin “jump into the fire”, Chutzpadik, against the Judge and the Pending case in court.

If Rubashin’s current actions are perceived to be “Suicide” for his own self interests, then at least the Netzigim should not be guilty of “Assisted Suicide”.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

770 Talk - Shavuos 5766 – Anash Public Protest against Lush, Segal and Zirkind

770 was completely filled with men women and children who were awaiting to hear Krias Hatorah and the Aseres Hadibros, when once more Rubashkin and his sympathizers’, succeeded in turning this auspicious and joyous occasion into a blazing Machlokis and Protest scene in the presence of thousand of Rabbonim and Anash, in 770.

It all started, when Anash watched in horror, how the appointed Gabai for the day, Mr. Lush, a close ally of Rubashkin, exploited his position at the Bima to give two of the Aliyos, (traditionally reserved for the most respected members of the community,) to the two disputed candidates who lost the Elections, (to become the Rabbi’s of the community,) when 2/3 of the community stayed home to protest their attempted and failed election by Rubashkin and Company.

Everyone in 770 was thoroughly outraged at Lush, particularly in regards to his giving the Aliya to Segal, against whom their is not only a Siruv from Rabbi Schwei & Beis Din, but there is also a Psak Din (Rabbinical Ruling) by Rabbi Schwei & Beis Din which expressly prohibits giving any Aliya, at all to Segal, because of the Siruv against him. This Psak Din was prominently displayed in the Official Gaboim’s Letter Box, in 770.

As soon as Segal and Zirkind were given the Aliya, Several members of Anash publicly protested against this shameful act of giving Aliyos to people who masquerading as Elected Rabbi’s of the community, while in fact they are not. Especially against Segal who is also in contempt of Rabbinical Court to appear to Beis Din of Zabla to face the charges against him.

“They Are Not Rabbonim and that they should not be given Aliyos for the sole purpose to try and help them be perceived as though they were the Elected Rabbonim, which they are not”, Anash were protesting.

Krias Hatorah, at Aseres Hadibros, in 770 is the only time of the year, where not only is 770 filled with Men Women and Children, but in particular it is filled with all of the worlds greatest Lubavitcher Rabbonim from all 5 continents, who always make it a point to come to 770, on Shavuos.

The protest against Gabai Lush, giving Aliyos to those masquerading as Elected Rabbi’s, was very well received and applauded by the vast majority of Anash who agreed that the Gaboim have no right to take sides in the disput between the 2 Rabbonim.

After Davening, the first day of Shavuos and Shabbos at the Farbrengens, everyone was talking about it in 770.

Mashpiim pointed out that perhaps the most significant element of the Machoah, was the fact that it was done in front of all the most prominent Lubavitcher Rabbonim, from all over the world, and absolutely non of them protested against it, which clearly proves that this protest was officially accepted by all Rabbonim throughout the world.

Mashpiim quoted the famous saying of our sages: “Mideshasku Rabonon,…. Shma Mina D’Odu Ley”, Our sages say that Whenever a major event of great significance happens in front of many great Rabbonim and they remain silent, this means that they Approve. In this case, since no one protested against the Machoah, it clearly indicated that it has the unanimous approval of all of the hundreds of the world wide Lubavitch Rabbi’s who were present in 770 at this most auspicious moment of Aseres Hadibros!

It was for this very same reason, that the Rebbe himself had also voiced his own protest against the Gaboim of 770, several years ago, when the Rebbe said it was an Arkesa D’mesane, when Gaboim deliberately exploit giving the most prominent Alyos, to the wrong people, for the sole purpose of undermining the position of those who truly are the proper Elected Rabbonim.

Similarly, at the Main Farbrengen in 770, the second day of Shvuos, which is always attended by all of the greatest Lubavitcher Rabbonim from all over the world, many spoke out about a variety of issues. Rabbi Glukowsky from Israel, who is the main Secretary and coordinator of the entire Lubavitch Rabbinical organization of all of Israel, was also granted the opportunity to speak at this grand central farbrengen in 770.

Rabbi Glukowsky spoke about Shalom, Peace, in the community, which was understood by everyone to be referring specifically to the Rabbonim issues. However, even Rabbi Glukowsky, like all other world wide Rabbonim in 770, did not dare to criticize the public protest in 770, against Lush and against the Segal and Zirkind, which stated that they were not the elected Rabbonim and should not be treated as such.

The Grand Farbrengen in 770 on Shavuos was attended by Rabbi Schwei as ususual, however Rabbi Osdoba was not seen at this Farbrengen in 770 (nor at the previous Shabbos Achdus, farbrengen before Shavuos).